The Value of Design (as told to middle schoolers)

The Value of Design (as told to middle schoolers)

On Friday, January 17 - the Friday before the long MLK weekend - I spoke to 8th grade students for Career Day at Traverse City West Middle School, introducing them to design as a profession. The first class started at 7:40am, and at 25-minute intervals I presented to a total of 5 groups of kids until the half day assignment ended.

Talk about a design challenge …

Healthcare and Homelessness

Healthcare and Homelessness

For clients who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, we know that stable, safe housing is key to achieving and maintaining health. And yet, in so many cases, the only place where the housing and healthcare systems intersect is in the homeless client's experience.

So how can we, in our day to day work, address this most critical of issues for those most in need? The answer is surprisingly simple: talk to them.

A Human-Centered Healthcare Revolution

A Human-Centered Healthcare Revolution

In our November 2019 post, we reviewed and summarized the first sections of Zeev Neuwirth’s book “Reframing Healthcare, A Roadmap for Creating Disruptive Change.” This set the stage for the broad scope of work that can - indeed, must - be done in order to shift the current healthcare paradigm. This month, we review the design aspects of the book in more detail.

Thoughts on the Hospice Experience

Thoughts on the Hospice Experience

Normally in this blog post we write about the experience of providers, patients and families as they work together to return to health and daily activity. But when this is no longer an option, the end-of-life experience can also be one of learning, empowerment, compassion and love. This month, we make observations about our family’s recent experience with Hospice. This one’s dedicated to you, Pop.