The value of research is in the interpretation of the challenge. As communication designers we bring clarity to complex challenges and design both process and tools to move forward. Our strategic documents engender change by reflecting on what we’ve heard, translating what we’ve learned and advocating for every human that’s part of the process.


We build the process based on the foundational research that’s been done with the project Core Team and other stakeholders. Any additional information deemed appropriate by the group is welcome; often we call this the “information dump” phase of the project.

Reflecting on this, we build timelines and a process for revision, including expectations of each member of the reviewing team. We begin the process with a broad outline: an introduction to the project, definitions of terms, challenges and opportunities to address and strategic goals. Then we get into the heart of the content, outlining each phase section by section.

We build out an initial draft document in a form that can be readily shared, depending on your preferences (Google Docs is typical). From here, we engage in ongoing editing via structured meetings, online edits and suggestions. Much of this interaction centers on the work that client teams will manage once the strategy is launched, making sure everyone understand their role in the success of the initiative going forward.

But we’re not only dealing in words, here: typically our documents also contain initial concepts describing potential solutions to the experience challenge. We tie these back to the challenges and opportunities, reinforcing that they are the embodiment of the experience strategy.

Once content has been thoroughly vetted by all necessary stakeholders, we move to final design. Since graphic design has always been our passion, we build out documents that are concise in their content and beautiful in their presentation, guiding the strategic process through to completion.