Design for Human Connection


Adding our strengths to yours

Connect_CX is an Experience Design Firm. Our clients hire us to think alongside them, expanding their skill sets to understand and solve the challenges at hand. Our years of diverse experience inform each discussion; our process elevates the voices of both the giver and receiver; our partnerships result in intentional, impactful connections between humans — by design.

For each service that follows, we’ve selected five featured clients and a brief process description.



Listen, record and reflect

Define: Facilitate

Elicit user stories in real time

Define: Map

Define the service experience

Ideate: Communicate

Broad concepts to detailed plans


Prototype + Test

Concepts described in physical form


Concepts become reality


Thank you so much for helping us work through this challenge. The incisive thinking you brought to a complex issue, showing it to us in simple pictures, moved us miles forward in a very short time. It was an invaluable contribution. Sincere gratitude.

— Deb Lake, Director of Communications, Goodwill Industries