Contributions to Beryl Institute

Healing Environments & Hospitality
The Beryl Institute Body of Knowledge Online Learning Module

July, 2020

We’ve been tapped to develop an overview, learning objectives and the script for the definitive resource on the built environment. We’ll be soliciting the advice and expertise of both Connect_CX and other Beryl Institute members. PX 101 provides tools and activities to facilitate discussions with staff on what patient experience is, what it means to them and how they can positively impact experience excellence.

Only You Can Prevent PX Wildfires: Systems Thinking and the Patient Experience
Conference Presentation: Beryl Institute 2019

April 3-5 2019, Dallas, TX

In 2017, the US Forest Service spent over $2.5 billion fighting fires. The fires that PX professionals fight every day are the outcome of decades of cultural undergrowth, providing ample fuel: siloed organizations, disconnected communication systems, unclear lines of authority, disagreement on shared measurements. Cost constraints and compliance requirements only add to the tinder-dry conditions.

The victims? Staff, patients, families. The answer: systems thinking. Using examples from frontline experiences, presenters shared stories of patient experience in flames, their underlying causes and the systems that have been designed to prevent them.

Tiffany Fortin, Senior Patient Experience Officer, Munson Healthcare
Sheila Moroney, Patient Experience Officer, Hennepin Healthcare
Mark VanderKlipp, Founding Partner, Connect_CX

Pit Crew: How Communication Fuels the Ambulatory Surgery Center Patient Experience
Beryl Institute 2018 Annual Conference & Webinar Series

April 16-18 2018, Chicago IL

A case study of the Copper Ridge Surgery Center patient experience process presented alongside  clients Gayle Bultsma, RN and LoAnn VandeLeest, CEO. One of the highest-rated sessions, we were later asked to present to a wider audience. Along with Tricia Wollam, PX Champion Co-Leader at the Copper Ridge Surgery Center (CRSC), Mark VanderKlipp reviewed the Healthcare Experience Design process and provided an update of the innovations that CRSC Champions have brought to their culture as a result of this initiative. 

Click here for an on-demand replay of the Webinar

Patient Experience Roundtable: Discussing the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Experience
Beryl Institute 2018 Annual Conference

Mark VanderKlipp served as event moderator to discussion groups totaling over 100 conference participants, each with an interest in ASC experience design. Participants were split into tables of 8-12 individuals, then coached to develop topics based on thought starters, engage in discussion and present findings to the larger group.

"Patient Experience Learning Bite: Designing the Healthcare Experience"
September 2018

"Case Study: Copper Ridge Surgery Center"
March, 2018

"Guest Blog Post: The Invaluable Gift of Clarity"
January 19, 2018